
Palm Shock 

Palms and plants can sometimes go through a rough stretch that causes stress and shock to the plant.  The most common of these stresses is transplanting and harsh weather conditions. Now it's time to reach for the bottle.

The bottle of Superthrive that is! It is an amazing product that revitalizes the plant even in the worst conditions.  We have used Superthrive for the last ten years when digging up palms and moving to a new location.  It has worked every time and it's easy to use.

Palm Shock Treatment

This works well for transplant and winter recovery.

Here is what you need to do:

Buy a bottle of Superthrive - $15.00, 4 ounce bottle (Order Here)

In a clean 5 gallon bucket, mix two capfuls of Superthrive and fill with water.  In a different clean bucket, drill a 3/16" hole on one side of the bottom of a bucket and fill the bucket with 1/2 of the Superthrive mixture.   Set the bucket next to the tree and let it drain.  After it has drained, repeat the process on the other side of the tree. This technique reduces run off.  Do this again every 2 weeks through the summer.  This should save the tree.

For trees in containers or under 5 feet overall height, reduce the treatment by half.

Normal watering with Superthrive can be done at any time by adding 1 to 2 drops to a gallon of water.  You will see a faster growth rate and a healthier plant.

Superthrive is NOT a fertilizer!  

You need to keep your fertilizing regimen going along with the Superthrive.

Spring and  Summer Hours:

The farm is open to the public Friday - Sunday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We deliver and plant 7 days a week.


Nursery Address:  29525 112th Ave SE, Auburn Washington 

We are closed during lightening storms, we are located under power lines and safety is our goal. Well that, and a tropical look and lifestyle. 

We do offer delivery and planting 7 days a week.

Please contact me with any questions you may have.

Dee Banchero

Copyright 2024 

This site designed and maintained by Delight Banchero



We are open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays,

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

See you soon!